12.15 PM [GMT+2] > 10:15 AM[GMT]

The preservation of the environment so that the future generations can benefit from the use of the natural resources is an aspect of the global challenge on climate change that needs a strong connection between local communities and its environment. The linkage between nature and culture is a fundamental driver with which local and indigenous communities gained the predisposition of resilience against exogenous factors. Moreover, it can also be a driver as an example of sustainable management of the environment and landscape, in some parts of the world still untouched by human progress. During this Icelandic session we will discover the power of indigenous people and resilient communities, in a perspective of sustainability and innovation in the rural arctic

 Thematic areas covered: Sustainability

Moderator: Gunnar Olafsson, founder of Djupiò


 The end of the road is the start of our journey

  • Gunnar Olafsson, founder of Djupiò

Interdisciplinary Research for the Future of Small-Scale Fisheries

  • Catherine Chambers, head of research in the University of the Westfjord
  • Þorsteinn Másson, CEO of Blámi